Contact Information

School: School of Earth Sciences - Centre for Exploration Targeting
Address: The University of Western Australia (M006), 35 Stirling Highway,6009 Perth, Australia
Office Phone:
Mobile Phone: +61 473 668 209


Edmore completed his MSc degree in Geology at Rhodes University in January 2022. His MSc degree thesis focused on trace element and sulphur isotope variations of sulphides hosted in the Koperberg Suite.

Edmore joined the CET as a PhD candidate in August 2022, and his PhD work focuses on the petrogenesis and metallogenesis of the intermediate and felsic rocks at the Boddington Au-Cu-Mo deposit.

PhD Project

Magmatic-hydrothermal and metallogenic evolution of the Boddington Au-Cu-Mo deposit, Western Australia

Additional Information

ORCID ID: click here
UWA Profile: click here