Contact Information

School: School of Earth Sciences
Address: The University of Western Australia, (M006) 35 Stirling Highway Perth WA 6009
Office Phone:
Mobile Phone: +61 410 255 609


Fariba Kohanpour has completed her PhD in February 2019 in the Centre for Exploration Targeting under supervision of Drs. Sandra Occhipinti, Weronika Gorzcyk, Mark Lindsay and Chris Kirkland. Her project focused on defining nickel and gold mineral systems in the Halls Creek Orogen, Western Australia by applying geodynamic numerical modelling, geophysical interpretation, isotope analysis and mineral systems prospectivity modelling. Her thesis provides insight into the processes which operated at plate margins and Paleoproterozoic orogen that welded North Australian and Kimberley cratons.

She developed an approach to predict the isotopic evolutionary pattern for different tectonic settings based on the integration of the numerical models and worldwide isotopic datasets. Applying a multidisciplinary approach helped her to reveal the links between gold and nickel mineral systems in the Halls Creek Orogen.

Since March 2019 she has been working as a post-doctoral researcher in the MRIWA M521 project (geodynamic throgh time), and ARC/MRIWA linkage project (Evolution of Proterozoic multistage rift basins-key controls on mineral systems).

Additional Information

ORCID ID: click here
UWA Profile: click here