Contact Information

School: School of Earth Sciences - Centre for Exploration Targeting
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Fredrik began his career as a geologist in 2019 within the Swedish iron ore industry. In 2024, he obtained a master’s degree from Colorado School of Mines. His graduate research focused on the distal and cryptic hydrothermal signatures of clastic-dominated Zn-Pb-Ag systems, by studying a prospect near the Macmillan Pass district in the Yukon. During his time in the Yukon, Fredrik worked with the exploration company Snowline Gold, where he contributed to greenfield exploration initiatives targeting intrusion-related gold systems.

Currently, his work is centered on the Sukari mine in Egypt, a structurally complex gold deposit within the Arabian-Nubian Shield, one of the world’s most promising and underexplored greenstone belts. His professional interests include the structural controls on ore deposits and their interaction with fluid flow

Additional Information

ORCID ID: click here
UWA Profile: click here