Contact Information
School: School of Earth Sciences
Office Phone: 1-303-944-8329
Richard Goldfarb received his BS in geology from Bucknell U., MSc in hydrogeology at University of Nevada-MacKay School of Mines, and his PhD in geology at the University of Colorado.
He was a research geologist at the U.S. Geological Survey for 36 years where his studies focused on global metallogeny, geology of ore deposits in the North American Cordillera with emphasis on orogenic gold, lode gold deposits in China, and geochemical applications to the understanding of ore genesis.
Rich has authored and co-authored more than 300 papers on ore deposits, with >18,000 citations and an h-index=60. He is a past-president of the SEG and past chief editor of Mineralium Deposita.
He was awarded the Silver Medal by SEG in 2011, Kutina-Smirnov Medal by IAGOD in 2014, and the Gold Medal by SGA in 2022 for his various contributions to economic geology.
Presently, Rich is a research professor at China University of Geosciences Beijing, adjunct professor at UWA, and Colorado School of Mines, serves as a technical advisor to Firefox Gold Corp and a board member of C2C Gold Corp, and is an independent consultant to the exploration and mining industry.
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ORCID ID: click here
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