Contact Information

School: School of Earth Sciences
Address: The University of Western Australia, (M006) 35 Stirling Highway Perth WA 6009
Office Phone:


Jack received his Bachelor of Science (Honours), Master of Science, and PhD from the University of Western Australia where much of his work has focused on the production, evolution, and growth of continental crust over Earth’s history. He has experience in high-precision ID-TIMS U-Pb geochronology and multiple in-situ (SHRIMP, SIMS, and LA-ICPMS) methods on accessory minerals (zircon, apatite, allanite and titanite) where he uses various isotopic tracer (U-Pb, Lu-Hf, Sm-Nd, and O) to place constraints on the petrogenesis of subduction-related arc granites and their relationship to crustal growth processes during the Phanerozoic.

Currently, Jack is engaged in assisting a consortium of companies (Australasian Metals, Core Lithium, Askari Metals, Lithium Springs, and Oceana Lithium), headed by Australasian Metals, in constraining the mineralogical and petrological evolution of the Arunta Pegmatite Province in the Northern Territory. He aims to develop a robust litho-chemical mineralization framework for critical mineral bearing pegmatites and ultimately enable a cost-effective exploration targeting model for critical mineral (lithium, tantalum, and rare earth element) bearing granites.

In addition to his role in the Arunta pegmatite project Jack manages the University of Western Australia node of the AuScope Geochemical Network (AGN), a consortium of Earth Science institutions cooperating to develop a sustainable national geochemical research infrastructure aimed at facilitating national coordination of geochemistry laboratories. In this role Jack is responsible for uploading geochemical and isotopic data outputs from the School of Earth Sciences and CET into this national database.

Additional Information

ORCID ID: click here
UWA Profile: click here