Course Content: This course, which recognizes the contributions of Dr. Franco Pirajno to the CET and to research on carbonatites globally, is aimed at explorers of rare earth elements, niobium, and other critical elements, as well as academics with an interest in the role of carbonatites and metasomatized mantle lithosphere in the formation of mineral deposits. The course will cover current research at the CET, focusing on the understanding of carbonatite genesis and its role as an agent for transferring mantle S into sulphide-bearing ore bodies in the crust. This workshop is also framed around the vision of the newly funded ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centre in Critical Resources for the Future and includes several prominent Australian researchers with expertise in carbonatite magma formation and processes that lead to economic concentration of REE and Nb:
– John Mavrogenes
– Ross Chandler
– Greg Yaxley
– Carl Spandler
The course is recommended for explorers engaged in the search for critical elements and researchers with an interest in carbonatites and other alkaline magmas.
Venue: The University Club of Western Australia, Entrance 1, Hackett Drive
Face to face: Non-Members AU$600+GST | Members AU$400+GST | Students AU$100+GST (SOLD OUT)
Online: AU$300+GST (OPEN)
Days and Times: 08:30 to 16:30 (Perth time - GMT+8) followed by Sundowner