Contact Information
School: School of Earth Sciences
Address: The University of Western Australia (M006), 35 Stirling Highway,6009 Perth, Australia
Office Phone:
Mobile Phone: 0437 137 926
Walter is a post-doctoral research officer at the CET, currently studying the Archean Burns Cu-Au deposit, in the Eastern goldfields of the Yilgarn Craton. Walter graduated with B.Sc (hons) from UWA and was awarded his PhD at James Cook University in 1985. He subsequently spent extended periods working for the Geological Survey of WA and Sons of Gwalia Ltd., where he mapped and studied Archean greenstone belts and the mineral deposits (especially gold) within them. In 2005, Walter started his own consultancy company, The Walter Witt Experience. This experience, and links with the CET, took him to China, Africa, South America and Scandanavia to study and explore for mineral deposits of gold, copper, REE and cobalt.
PhD Project
Current projects:
The origin of the Burns Cu-Au deposit
Specialist Group in Economic Geology (Geological Society Australia) committee
Advice to Industry clients
Additional Information
ORCID ID: click here
UWA Profile: click here