Automated 3D Geological Modelling - Centre for Exploration Targeting

Automated 3D Geological Modelling

Past Projects

Automated 3D Geological Modelling
Start Date:
1 Jan 2021
End Date:
1 Jan 2025

Project 6 of the MinEx CRC aims to develop an automated workflow, including algorithms and software, for the integration and first-pass interpretation of geologically characterised drill hole data and other data routinely used to build 3D geological models. The resulting workflow will facilitate rapid 3D model building processes that draw upon multiple geological datasets, are reproducible, provide uncertainty estimates, offer various geological hypotheses, and allow timely model updating. These models will enable uncertainty analysis and multiple geological scenarios to be developed as inputs to support resource estimation and data acquisition strategies.

This project is in turn a part of the international Loop consortium ( ) that has a long-term goal of building a generalised Open Source platform for 3D geological modelling, and all codes developed by Loop will be available for use by this project, providing significant leverage for MinEx CRC funds.


Project Coordinator:


Additional Information

Participating Partner Research Orgs: Monash University, Geological Survey of Canada

Funding Agencies: MinEx CRC, ARC

Industry Participants: BHP, AngloAmerican, GSWA

Opportunity: Always looking for numerate PhD Candidates interested in 3D geosciences