Contact Information
School: School of Earth Sciences
Address: The University of Western Australia, (M006) 35 Stirling Highway Perth WA 6009
Office Phone: +61 8 6488 1517
Steffen is a Professor for Economic Geology and Director of the Centre for Exploration Targeting at the University of Western Australia.
He has 33 year experience in economic geology specialising in the field of structural geology, hydrothermal alteration and fluid chemistry of mainly gold, iron and copper deposits. Steffen has specialised in combining detailed field observations with high tech geochemical methods in order to unravel the metallogeny and paleo magmatic/hydrothermal evolution of mineral systems and the 4-D control of orebodies. Most of his current research projects are in the Yilgarn craton of Western Australia and in South America with projects in the eastern Andes of Peru, NW Argentina and the Precambrian shields of Brazil and Guyana.
Steffen has supervised and co-supervised 16 postdoctoral fellows and 91 PhD, MSc and Honours thesis. Steffen is presently an Associate Editor in Mineralium Deposita, Brazilian Journal of Geology and Geological Survey of Brazil.
Additional Information
ORCID ID: click here
UWA Profile: click here